Introducción al número especial
Alba, R. & Nee, V. (2003): Remaking the American Mainstream: Assimilation and Contemporary Immigration. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press.
Alexander, C. (2006): «Introduction: Mapping the issues». Ethnic and Racial Studies, 29, 397-410.
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Basch, L., Glick Schiller, N. & Blanc, C. S. (1994): Nations Unbound: Transnational Projects, Postcolonial Predicaments, and Deterritorialized Nation-States. Amsterdam, Gordon and Breach.
Bello, B. G. (2011): «Empowerment of young migrants in Italy through nonformal education: putting equality into practice». Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 16, 348-359.
Berg, M. L. & Sigona, N. (2013): «Ethnography, diversity and urban space». Identities, 20, 347-360.
Bonjour, S. & De Hart, B. (2013): «A proper wife, a proper marriage: Constructions of ‘us’ and ‘them’ in Dutch family migration policy». European Journal of Women’s Studies, 20, 61-76.
Bonjour, S. & Kraler, A. (2014): «Introduction: Family Migration as an Integration Issue? Policy Perspectives and Academic Insights». Journal of Family Issues, 36, 1407-1432.
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Collins, F. L. (2009): «Transnationalism unbound: detailing new subjects, registers and spatialities of cross-border lives». Geography Compass, 3, 434-458.
Colombo, E., Leonini, L. & Rebughini, P. (2009): «Different but not stranger: everyday collective identifications among adolescent children of immigrants in Italy». Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 35, 37-59.
Conradson, D. & Latham, A. (2005): «Transnational urbanism: attending to everyday practices and mobilities». Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 31, 227-233.
Crul, M. & Vermeulen, H. (2003): «The Second Generation in Europe». International Migration Review, 37, 965-986.
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Eastmond, M. (2007): «Stories as Lived Experience: Narratives in Forced Migration Research». Journal of Refugee Studies, 20, 248-264.
Ehrkamp, P. (2005): «Placing identities: transnational practices and local attachments of Turkish Immigrants in Germany». Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 31, 345-364.
Ehrkamp P. (2006): «“We Turks are no Germans”: assimilation discourses and the dialectical construction of identities in Germany». Environment and Planning A, 38, 1673-1692.
Evergeti, V. & Zontini, E. (2006): «Introduction: Some critical reflections on social capital, migration and transnational families». Ethnic and Racial Studies, 29, 1025-1039.
Gallagher, M. (2008): «“Power is not an evil”: rethinking power in participatory methods». Children’s Geographies, 6, 137-150.
Gardner, K. (2012): «Transnational Migration and the Study of Children: An Introduction». Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 38, 889-912.
Grover, S. (2004): «Why won’t they listen to us?: on giving power and voice to children participating in social research». Childhood, 11, 81-93.
Guerrero, A. L. & Tinkler, T. (2010): Refugee and Displaced Youth Negotiating Imagined and Lived Identities in a Photography-Based Educational Project in the United States and Colombia. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 41, 55-74.
Guruge, S., Hynie, M., Shakya, Y., Akbari, A., Htoo, S. & Abiyo, S. (2015): Refugee Youth and Migration: Using Arts-Informed Research to Understand Changes in Their Roles and Responsibilities. 2015, 16.
Haagsman, K. & Mazzucato, V. (2014): «The Quality of Parent–Child Relationships in Transnational Families: Angolan and Nigerian Migrant Parents in The Netherlands». Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 40, 1677-1696.
Heath, S., McGhee, D. & Trevena, P. (2011): «Lost in Transnationalism: Unraveling the Conceptualisation of Families and Personal Life Through a Transnational Gaze». Sociological Research Online, 16, 12.
Hopkins, P. 2007. «Positionalities and knowledge: negotiating ethics in practice ». ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies [Online]. Available: [Accessed 11/12/2010].
Hoskins, J. (1998): Biographical objects: how things tell the stories of people’s lives. New York; London, Routledge.
Jackson, L. (2014): «The Multiple Voices of Belonging: Migrant Identities and Community Practice in South Wales». Environment and Planning A, 46, 1666-1681.
Kasinitz, P., Mollenkopf, J. H. & Waters, M. C. (eds.) (2006): Becoming New Yorkers: ethnographies of the second generation. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
Kennedy, L. A. & Macneela, P. (2014): «Adolescent acculturation experiences: A meta-ethnography of qualitative research». International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 40, 126-140.
King-O’Riain, R. C. (2014): «Emotional streaming and transconnectivity: Skype and emotion practices in transnational families in Ireland». Global Networks, 15, 256–273.
Latchem, J. (2014): «Researching families and relationships: reflections on process». International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 17, 90-92.
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Levitt, P. (2001): «Transnational migration: taking stock and future directions». Global Networks, 1, 195-216.
Levitt, P. & Glick Schiller, N. (2004): «Conceptualizing simultaneity: a transnational social field perspective on society». International Migration Review, 38, 1002-1039.
Ley, D. (2004): «Transnational spaces and everyday lives». Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, New Series, 29, 151-164.
Madge, C. (2007): «Developing a geographers’ agenda for online research ethics». Progress in Human Geography, 31, 654-674.
Mahler, S. J. & Pessar, P. R. (2006): «Gender Matters: Ethnographers Brin Gender from the Periphery toward the Core of Migration Studies». International Migration Review, 40, 27-63.
Marselis, R. (2013): «Migrant life stories and the Web: the experience of having your life story made public». Social Semiotics, 23, 368-384.
Mas Giralt, R. (2015): «Socio-cultural invisibility and belonging: Latin American migrants in the north of England». Emotion, Space and Society, 15, 3-10.
McGarry, O. (2016): «Repositioning the research encounter: exploring power dynamics and positionality in youth research». International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 19, 339-354.
Nagel, C. R. & Staeheli, L. A. (2005): «“We’re just like the Irish”: narratives of assimiliation, belonging and citizenship amongst Arab-American activists». Citizenship Studies, 9, 485-498.
Nagel, C. R. & Staeheli, L. A. (2008): «Integration and the negotiation of ‘here’ and ‘there’: the case of British Arab activists». Social & Cultural Geography, 9, 415-430.
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Parreñas, R. (2005a): Children of Global Migration: transnational families and gendered woes. Stanford, Stanford University Press.
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Phillips, D. (2007): «Ethnic and racial segregation: a critical perspective». Geography Compass, 1, 1138-1159.
Piacenti, D. J., Rivas, L. B. & Garrett, J. (2014): «Facebook Ethnography: The Poststructural Ontology of Transnational (Im) Migration Research». International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 13, 224-236.
Pink, S. (2001): Doing visual ethnography. London, Sage.
Portes, A. & Dewind, J. (2004): «A Cross-Atlantic dialogue: the progress of research and theory in the study of international migration». International Migration Review, 38, 828-851.
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Punch, S. (2012): «Studying Transnational Children: A Multi-Sited, Longitudinal, Ethnographic Approach». Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 38, 1007-1023.
Ramirez, R., Mukherjee, M., Vezzoli, S. & Kramer, A. M. (2015): «Scenarios as a scholarly methodology to produce “interesting research”». Futures, 71, 70-87.
Rosaldo, R. (1989): Culture and truth: the remaking of social analysis. Boston, Beacon.
Schneider, J. & Crul, M. (2010): «New insights into assimilation and integration theory: introduction to the special issue». Ethnic and Racial Studies, 33, 1143-1148.
Schrooten, M. (2012): «Moving ethnography online: researching Brazilian migrants’ online togetherness». Ethnic and Racial Studies, 35, 1794-1809.
Shin, R. (2011): «Social Justice and Informal Learning: Breaking the Social Comfort Zone and Facilitating Positive Ethnic Interaction». Studies in Art Education, 53, 71-87.
Shinozaki, K. (2012): «Transnational dynamics in researching migrants: selfreflexivity and boundary-drawing in fieldwork». Ethnic and Racial Studies, 35, 1810-1827.
Silvey, R. (2004): «Power, difference and mobility: feminist advances in migration studies». Progress in Human Geography, 28, 490-506.
Thomas, D. (2011): «The Global Mediterranean: Literature and Migration». Yale French Studies, 120, 140-153.
Twyman, C., Morrison, J. & Sporton, D. (1999): «The final fifth: autobiography, reflexivity and interpretation in cross-cultural research». Area, 31, 313-325.
Valentine, G. (2002): «People like us: negotiating sameness and difference in the research process». In: MOSS, P. (ed.) Feminist geography in practice: research and methods. Oxford; Malden (US): Blackwell.
Walton-Roberts, M. & Pratt, G. (2005): «Mobile modernities: a South-Asian family negotiates immigration, gender and class in Canada». Gender, Place and Culture, 12, 173-195.
White, A., Bushin, N., Carpena-Méndez, F. & Ní Laoire, C. (2010): «Using visual methodologies to explore contemporary Irish childhoods». Qualitative Research, 10, 143-158.
Wilding, R. (2006): «“Virtual” intimacies? Families communicating across transnational contexts». Global Networks, 6, 125-142.
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