What Makes Successful Ageing «Successful»?

Reflections from a Bioethical Perspective


  • Rodrigo Viejo García Hospital de Mollet




successful ageing, psychological and psychosocial factors, autonomy


Ageing has aroused great interest in recent decades, stimulating the emergence of many explanatory and descriptive models, one of the most prominent of these being “Successful Ageing”. However, interest in old age seems to have started from quantitative and economic aspects, characterizing it as a social problem. This fact, coupled with the frequent stereotypes and social prejudices about the elderly, has turned old age into a factor of marginality. Therefore, this article aims to reflect on some possible factors, psychological and psychosocial, involved in a supposed ageing considered successful, but from a bioethical perspective, that ensures a focus of interest on the autonomy, dignity and freedom of people.


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Author Biography

Rodrigo Viejo García, Hospital de Mollet

Psicólogo Clínico. Centro de Salud Mental de Adultos del Hospital de Mollet (Barcelona)


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¿Qué convierte en «exitoso» al envejecimiento de éxito?



How to Cite

Viejo García, R. (2020). What Makes Successful Ageing «Successful»? : Reflections from a Bioethical Perspective. Revista Iberoamericana De Bioética, (12), 01–15. https://doi.org/10.14422/rib.i12.y2020.005