The Technique is the New Subject of History: Technological Posthumanism and the Twilight of the Human




transhumanism, Fourth Industrial Revolution, humanism, technology, posthumanism


The pandemic generated by the SARS-CoV-2 virus has accelerated digital transformation processes. To understand how technology holds sway over our societies, it is necessary to return to its conditions of possibility. These conditions respond to a certain metaphysics that was born, transformed, intensified and improved, concluding in a sort of omni-embracing language. However, technological transformation affects not only the planet, but also human beings. Within this context, the human being becomes obsolete, and a new subject of history appears, the technique. Technological posthumanism or transhumanism is the ideology that maintains and engages this new subject.


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Author Biography

Joaquín Fernández Mateo, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Associate Professor en el Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación, Lenguaje, Cultura y Artes, Ciencias Historico-Jurídicas y Humanísticas y Lenguas Modernas. Área de Filosofía.


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posthumanismo tecnológico



How to Cite

Fernández Mateo, J. (2021). The Technique is the New Subject of History: Technological Posthumanism and the Twilight of the Human. Revista Iberoamericana De Bioética, (16), 01–15.