Neuroenhancement: From the Scientific and Technological Avant-Garde to the Difficulties and Limits Posed by the Philosophy of the Mind and Bioethics


  • José Miguel Biscaia Fernández Universidad Europea de Madrid



neuroethics, transhumanism, philosophy of the mind, neuroscience


The biomedical applications of neuroscience are divided into those that use evaluative techniques and those that use interventional methods. Given the bio-psycho-social reach of these technologies, a philosophical and bioethical debate seems inevitable. Thus, from the philosophy of the mind, two main areas of reflection appear: conceptual problems on reading, control and mental transference, and the ontological difficulties related to the identity of the "Homo cyborg". Conversely, applied bioethics has been interested in two fundamental issues: the difference between treatment and neuronal enhancement, and the application of classical bioethical principles to neuroenhancement. Thus, applied neuroethics is proposed as a normative area from which to evaluate the use of neurotechnology.


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How to Cite

Biscaia Fernández, J. M. (2021). Neuroenhancement: From the Scientific and Technological Avant-Garde to the Difficulties and Limits Posed by the Philosophy of the Mind and Bioethics. Revista Iberoamericana De Bioética, (16), 01–17.