From Charity to Science, from Morality to Ethics

Conflicts in Social Intervention in Pediatric Palliative Care Today


  • Eduard Pellicer Hospital Materno Infantil San Joan de Déu
  • Soraya Hernández Moscoso Hospital Materno Infantil San Joan de Déu



pediatric palliative care, end of live, health social work, bioethics, social work, ethical conflicts


Health Social Work finds part of its origins in supporting ill people and at the end of life. It has been more than a century since the pioneers of the profession began to reflect on the values, techniques and ethical framework that should guide intervention, and even today there are more questions than answers.

The profession is currently facing new challenges and conflicts that force us to deliberate and question aspects of our daily chores. The biopsychosocial person-centered model is still under construction and requires a critical attitude towards the different systems of the Welfare state and the delusion of integrated care, that although there are more efforts every day, it is still not real.

This article aims to address some of the conflicts faced from three experiences of health social workers in a complex chronic patient support and palliative care unit.


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Intervención social en atención paliativa



How to Cite

Pellicer, E., & Hernández Moscoso, B. S. (2022). From Charity to Science, from Morality to Ethics: Conflicts in Social Intervention in Pediatric Palliative Care Today. Revista Iberoamericana De Bioética, (18), 01–12.