Phenomenological Paths to Accessing Suffering

Narrative Bioethics as a Healthy Path Towards Institutionalized Care for the Elderly




suffering, geriatrics, bioethics, narrative therapy, phenomenology, hermeneutics


The aim of this study is to verify whether narrative and the hermeneuticphenomenological method are a path to access knowledge of another person's experience of suffering. For this purpose, the Centro de Humanización de la Salud San Camilo in Madrid (hereinafter CEHS) will be used as a concrete case study through five semi-directed interviews with a group of residents followed by a descriptive analysis. Consequently, the hypothesis question we wish to answer is the following: can we access the private sphere of another person’s suffering through their narrative? Results show that listening and the unfolding of narrative not only serve to bring us closer to others' suffering, but that there is already a healing experience in this sharing for our elders.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Aragoneses, R., & López Mateo, M. de las M. . (2022). Phenomenological Paths to Accessing Suffering: Narrative Bioethics as a Healthy Path Towards Institutionalized Care for the Elderly. Revista Iberoamericana De Bioética, (20), 1–15.