Older People's Difficulties in Healthy Aging During the Coronavirus Pandemic
older person, pandemic, healthy aging, difficultiesAbstract
Healthy aging consists of the fostering and maintenance of good nutrition, physical activity, mental health and social integration, however, the isolation associated with the pandemic could hinder these processes. Aim: To find out the main difficulties for older people’s healthy aging during the Coronavirus pandemic. Method: Narrative review on the subject considering the following variables: stereotypes, mental health, physical and social health of the elderly. Results: The pandemic, measured through the variables studied, had an impact on the development of healthy aging, causing social isolation and loss of physical activity due to lockdowns. Conclusion: The pandemic posed a challenge to the healthy aging of the elderly, which we must quickly be able to overcome by joining forces to reduce the stigmatisation of the age group, which has led to forced isolation and increased vulnerability.
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