Tom, Dick and Harry: A Breviary for Surviving Damage Caused by “The System”




bioethics, patients' rights, case study, humanization, doctor-patient relationship


The health-disease-care process, as a whole social construction, arises from the relationship between social representations (beliefs, wisdom, ideas, knowledge), practices (historical, inherent to the socio-cultural context) and the subjectivity of the time period. In turn, given that such processes concern biological, psychological and relational aspects, they become part of daily life, and help to organise individual, family and social life, and also identity construction. This study approaches, from the perspective of Narrative Bioethics, circumstances of the doctor-patient relationship through the analysis of a hypothetical case.


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derechos de los pacientes



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Patricia, Benites Estupiñan, E. ., Farías, G., Sotomayor, M. A. ., Caprara, M. P., Bustamante Cabrera, G. I. ., Passo, E. R. ., Rueda Castro, L., Cudeiro, P. ., Gubert, I. C. ., Vázquez Larsson, M., & Quiroz Malca, E. (2022). Tom, Dick and Harry: A Breviary for Surviving Damage Caused by “The System”. Revista Iberoamericana De Bioética, (20), 1–11.