Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Health in Peru


  • Juan Francisco Rivera Feijoo Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos



Peru, COVID-19, lethality and sequelae in mental health


In Peru, COVID-19 produced the highest mortality rate in the world, with important negative effects on patients, their families and their cities. The altered state of mental health has been observed as reported worldwide. According to epidemiological estimates in several parts of the world, there was an increase in anxiety disorders and depressive disorders very close to 30%. The country was already in a very fragile situation regarding health requirements and now it has even more cases to attend to. If anxiety and depression are not treated, they become persistent and lead to disability. We describe the most significant biological clinical pictures to explain why they did not increase. The relationship is illustrated by a clinical picture that also shows the frequent phenomenon of comorbidity in mental health care. We have contextualized events around the world and other mental health conditions less aggravated by the pandemic.


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salud mental y COVID-19



How to Cite

Rivera Feijoo, J. F. (2023). Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Health in Peru. Revista Iberoamericana De Bioética, (21), 1–18.