Critical Ecology and Global Health




ecocentrism, environmental justice, biosphere, global health, social determinants of health


The article collects the presuppositions of a critical ecology, defined by the ecocentric vision, by the perspective of the environmental justice and by the comprehension of Biosphere/Gaia, emphasizing the geochemical processes of life that happens on the surface of Earth, determining the importance of landing locally, as a way of solution of the environmental problem. This ecological comprehension found a critical vision of the concept of global health because health is determined by the conditions of life and social determinants of health, that conforms the ways of life of the persons. Nobody lives in the global, but in the local, where happens the geochemical processes and where are defined the conditions to live with health as quality of life. These are the presuppositions of a socioenvironmental sustainability that joins together environment and health.


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Ecologia crítica e Saúde Global



How to Cite

Roque Junges, J. (2023). Critical Ecology and Global Health. Revista Iberoamericana De Bioética, (23), 01–13.