Bioethical Aspects of Preclinical Research for the Pharmacological Evaluation of the Nutritional Supplement LECISAN®


  • Leidys Cala-Calviño Universidad Médica de Santiago de Cuba
  • Lianne Dunán Cala Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba



animal experimentation, bioethics, alternative methods, clinical trials


Alternative techniques to the use of animals in the pursuit of scientific knowledge should always be sought, but when these do not exist, or when existing techniques are not sufficiently effective, we must use animal experimentation, adopting a bioethical position. The great ethical dilemma, which is the social problem addressed in this research, is the use of animals in experimentation and compliance with bioethical aspects. This leads us to reflect on the advantages and limitations of the methods used to achieve scientific results, which is the objective of this paper. From a bioethical standpoint, the use of animals for experimentation must be accepted, but only under certain conditions. Research in the field of pharmacology, the incorporation of bioethics into the framework of clinical experimentation and the joint observation of all the results will make it possible to establish the basis for proposing precise indications for the product, LECISAN®, and its future registration as a medicine.


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Aspectos bioéticos de la investigación preclínica para la evaluación farmacológica del suplemento nutricional LECISAN®



How to Cite

Cala-Calviño, L., & Dunán Cala, L. (2023). Bioethical Aspects of Preclinical Research for the Pharmacological Evaluation of the Nutritional Supplement LECISAN®. Revista Iberoamericana De Bioética, (23), 01–19.