When We Thought Everything Had Been Said About Autonomy

The Misadventures of a Tenacious, Resistant and Persistent “Patient” Who Comes Across a “Doctor” Who Calls Himself a “Researcher”





autonomy, informed consent, rights of patients, privacy, data protection


In the capital city of a Latin American and Caribbean country, in a health institution of great prestige, with accredited researchers, with an Ethics Committee that analyzes and approves or rejects the protocols, with numerous national and international documents, with the presence of a regulatory authority for investigations, something happened, without anyone noticing... until one person was, in a covert manner, recruited to participate and felt he didn't want to be “a number and something else”.


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Author Biographies

Patricia Sorokin, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Universidad Abierta Interamericana

Rosa Niño Moya, Universidad de Chile

Universidad Diego Portales


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Sorokin, P., Sotomayor, M. A., Andreau de Bennato, M., Cardozo de Martínez, C. A., González, M., Vergès, C., López Dávila, L. M. y Rueda Castro, L. (2017). Ciencias sociales, humanas y del comportamiento: dificultades regulatorias en países latinoamericanos y su impacto en la investigación en salud. Revista Grafía, 14(1). https://doi.org/10.26564/16926250.765

Autonomía del paciente, consentimiento informado: médico informando al paciente con un documento



How to Cite

Sorokin, P., Sotomayor, M. A., Muñoz del Carpio Toia, A., Gubert, I. C., López Dávila, L. M., Rueda Castro, L., Benites Estupiñan, E., Andreau de Bennato, M., Niño Moya, R., Quiroz Malca, E., & Mondragón-Barrios, L. (2023). When We Thought Everything Had Been Said About Autonomy: The Misadventures of a Tenacious, Resistant and Persistent “Patient” Who Comes Across a “Doctor” Who Calls Himself a “Researcher”. Revista Iberoamericana De Bioética, (22), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.14422/rib.i22.y2023.003