Hermeneutical Bioethics and Fibromyalgia





bioethics, hermeneutical bioethics, fibromyalgia, narrative, medical ethics


This article seeks to analyse the way in which hermeneutic bioethics can be incorporated into the study of fibromyalgia, understood as a disease which, given its characteristics, exceeds the disciplinary limits of medicine. Hermeneutics, understood as the interpretation of narratives, can be considered a tool in clinical practice by prioritizing the subjectivity of the suffering of people with fibromyalgia in the encounter between the health professional and the patient.

This paper briefly explains fibromyalgia and its implications in the field of bioethics. Subsequently, it offers a description of the basic concepts of hermeneutical bioethics, returning to Paul Ricoeur with the aim of re-constructing the way in which people with fibromyalgia develop a hermeneutic identity through their narrative. Finally, possible ways in which hermeneutic bioethics can be applied to medical practice are considered.


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How to Cite

Blas López, F. de, & Hamui Sutton, L. (2024). Hermeneutical Bioethics and Fibromyalgia. Revista Iberoamericana De Bioética, (24), 01–15. https://doi.org/10.14422/rib.i24.y2024.002