Euthanasia as a Trap of an Algophobic Society. A View of Health Professionals’ Perception of Euthanasia in Cabo Verde - The Example of The Dr. Santa Rita Vieira Regional Hospital


  • Janaína Vicente Vicente Escola Universitária Católica de Cabo Verde
  • Enilce Leite Gomes Escola Universitária Católica de Cabo Verde
  • Vera Costa Escola Universitária Católica de Cabo Verde
  • Maria Lourdes Veiga Escola Universitária Católica de Cabo Verde
  • Lucinda Garcia Escola Universitária Católica de Cabo Verde
  • Clara Barros Escola Universitária Católica de Cabo Verde
  • Êndel Alves Escola Universitária Católica de Cabo Verde



euthanasia, suffering, compassion, human being


In an analysis in the light of science, anthropology and bioethics, euthanasia is characterized as a fallacy of a contemporary society that fails to see death as a condition of the living and in which the meaning of suffering collapses. In this sense, what to expect from a Cape Verdean society that may soon be exposed to the proposed laws on euthanasia? The first section is dedicated to the general concepts of euthanasia, and looks at the position of the Catholic Church; and the second section is about the perception of national healthcare professionals, with a questionnaire addressed to healthcare professionals at one of the country’s leading hospitals. It is intended to lead Cape Verdean society to reflection, since the reality of how to live and how to die is based on the central concept of what the human being is.


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How to Cite

Vicente, J. V., Leite Gomes, E., Costa , V., Lourdes Veiga , M., Garcia , L., Barros, C., & Alves, Êndel. (2024). Euthanasia as a Trap of an Algophobic Society. A View of Health Professionals’ Perception of Euthanasia in Cabo Verde - The Example of The Dr. Santa Rita Vieira Regional Hospital. Revista Iberoamericana De Bioética, (24), 01–24.