Climate change and its impact in the realm of life: prospects for a future not apocalyptic


  • Leo Pessini Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Bioética do Centro Universitário São Camilo de São Paulo
  • Anor Sganzerla Universidade Católica do Paraná



Climate change, health, development.


There is a profound relationship between the climate and the health of humans. If the balance between them helps everyone in terms of quality of life, and consequently in human development, then its imbalance will mainly affect the poor. The predatory exploitation of nature for human progress has been the main cause of the imbalance between climate and human health. If humanity, with its different public and private organizations, does not choose to put people first, to see the economy as a means and not the end, and does not replace the ideal of productivity with equity, or competitiveness with the desire for solidarity, so that the integral development of forms of social organization and human coexistence are not opposed to the preservation of nature, then the current development model will become an even greater threat to both the climate and human health.


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How to Cite

Pessini, L., & Sganzerla, A. (2016). Climate change and its impact in the realm of life: prospects for a future not apocalyptic. Revista Iberoamericana De Bioética, (2), 1–13.