Assisted reproductive technologies and the issue of risks to women and embryos: the tip of the iceberg


  • Kalline Carvalho Gonçalves Eler Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora



Reproductive techniques assisted, heath, human dignity.


In assisted reproduction, not everything that is technically possible is ethically acceptable or socially desirable. The impact it has on women and embryos needs to be considered. The risk to women involves the ingestion of hormones, which can cause potentially serious complications. As regards embryos, there are risks of prematurity, low birth weight and other diseases. This article advocates a strong protective guardianship for women and the extracorporeal embryo. Faced with new bioethical dilemmas, the essence of the human being is in question. It is therefore the task of all spheres of knowledge to make a distinction between the personalizing and depersonalizing of human beings.


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How to Cite

Eler, K. C. G. (2016). Assisted reproductive technologies and the issue of risks to women and embryos: the tip of the iceberg. Revista Iberoamericana De Bioética, (2), 1–13.