The environmental and the ethical and moral crises according to the Laudato si’ encyclical
crisis, environmental, ethical, moral, Laudato si’Abstract
Faced with the disorderly way of conceiving life in the current model of political and economic development, which has compromised our common home due to the depredation of all forms of life in the biosphere, and in light of the moral and ethical crisis of our time that has fostered a culture of relativism, disposability and immediacy, this reflection aims to analyze how Pope Francis connects the environmental crisis with the ethical and moral crisis in his Laudato si’ encyclical. Pope Francis believes that we do not live in a time of several crises but rather one complex crisis which is both social and environmental which is the external manifestation of the ethical and moral, cultural and spiritual crisis of humanity. The cry for help of the Earth is inseparable from that of the poor, so only an integral ecology can help heal fundamental human relationships.
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