The Judicial effects of heterologous assisted reproduction in accordance with the civil and family regulations in Mexico


  • Miguel Ángel León Ortiz Universidad del Istmo, campus Ixtepec



Assisted reproduction, filiation, homologous fertility treatment, heterologous fertility treatment, parenthood


This paper analyses the application of bio-technological resources for assisted human reproduction with the concept of filiation, with the understanding that the civil legislation in Mexico City was one of the first in our country that recognized the right to biomedical resources for assisted reproduction (AR) as a source to determine the filiation between the children of AR and the spouses or partners who decide to turn to fertility treatment. Other entities of the federation would later adhere to this, although with more specific rules.


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Author Biography

Miguel Ángel León Ortiz, Universidad del Istmo, campus Ixtepec

Profesor-investigador en la Universidad del Istmo


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How to Cite

León Ortiz, M. Ángel. (2018). The Judicial effects of heterologous assisted reproduction in accordance with the civil and family regulations in Mexico. Revista Iberoamericana De Bioética, (6), 01–15.