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About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Comillas Journal of International Relations is a quarterly scientific journal edited as an Open Access Journal by the Department of International Relations (Faculty of Human and Social Sciences) of the Universidad Pontificia Comillas.
Comillas Journal of International Relations consists of the following indexes and international databases: DOAJ, ERIH, REDIB, OCLC, CIRC, and Dialnet.
The central subjects covered by the journal are diplomacy in its latest facets and forms (public diplomacy, transformational diplomacy...), international policy and security, development cooperation and history of international relations. However, the Comillas Journal of International Relations will also focus on a range of other topics, including Regional affairs, geopolitics, terrorism, energy and globalization.
- Scientific research and the stimulation of academic debate in the field of International Relations.
- To encourage full and lively collaboration from Comillas Pontifical University students.
- To project the teaching and research work carried out in the Department of International Relations of the Comillas Pontifical University.
- High-level exposure within the international research and learning community of the canon of International Relations work.
- To underpin progress in the field of International Relations and its professional profile in both Spain and Latin America.
- To foster the teaching and scientific links maintained by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences on an international level.
- To address some of the concerns raised by society regarding the complex political, economic and social panorama of the globalized world.
Peer Review Process
All originals received by the Journal will be sent, anonymously, to two external reviewers of recognized expertise in the field of international relations and, more specifically, in the particular topic of the work. Peer reviewing will follow the double-blind system. In the event of receiving an unfavorable review from either reviewer, a third opinion will be sought. However, the Journal's Board of Editors will always have the final say on which articles are published and is responsible for informing authors of its decision. The entire process will always take place via the Journal's OJS platform.
Publication Frequency
Scientific journal published every four months.
Open Access Policy
Comillas Journal of International Relations provides Diamond Open Access to its content, based on the principle of offering society open access to research contributes to the global exchange of knowledge.
Self-archiving permission
Authors are recommended to publish the post-print articles version (the editor's version) on the internet (e. g., in institutional repositories or personal websites) immediately after their publication to contribute to their wider dissemination, quoting appropriately the original source (including the full URL of the article’s DOI).
Article Processing Charges
There is no charge for submission articles. Nor by editing or publishing them in open access (APC).
Interoperability protocol
Comillas Journal of International Relations offers a metadata harvesting service to other research platforms through the OAI-PMH protocol found in the following URL
Metadata is provided in the following formats: Dublin Core, MARC, and MARC21.
Comillas Journal of International Relations utilizes the LOCKSS system to store and distribute its content across participating libraries, ensuring long-term preservation and access