Spain Seen from Europe. Perceptions and Relations (1982-2004)
Central African Republic, conflict, peace, Spain, international relations, european integration, NATO, Euro-Mediterranean PartnershipAbstract
This paper studies the relationship between Spain and European policies in the period 1982-2004, using a history of international relations approach. In the period examined here, the international system was characterized by great changes, passing from the “second cold war” of the eighties to the new dynamics of the post-cold war of the nineties and then of 2001-2003; changes that involved Europe in general (transition from the EEC to the EU, enlargement policies, Euro-Med project, etc.) and Spain in particular. The historical trajectory of the relationship between Spain and Europe is analyzed in this complex phase of transformation of the international system. The perceptions that the Europeans have had of Spain are also examined with respect to the different governments that succeeded each other in Madrid from the transition period until 2004. Specific attention is dedicated to the main protagonists of the events analyzed, particular for their role in international politics.Downloads
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