The Rapes Committed against the Yazidi Women: a Genocide?

A Study of the Crime of Rape as a Form of Genocide in International Criminal Law


  • Paula Castellano San José Universidad Pontificia Comillas



sexual violence, rape, International Criminal Law, ISIS, Yazidi, genocide


Rape has been used as a tool of war throughout the history of mankind. With the establishment of the International Criminal Court, rape was included in the Rome Statute, being internationally recognized as a war crime, a crime against humanity and a means to commit genocide. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, in its war to establish the caliphate, has carried out a campaign of sexual violence against women of religious minorities such as the Yazidi. This article examines the evolution of the definition of rape in International Criminal Law and applies the current definition to the crimes committed by ISIS against the Yazidi. The study assesses the elements of the actus reus of genocide and considers that the actions carried out by the Islamic State towards the Yazidi could qualify as a genocide by means of rape.


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Author Biography

Paula Castellano San José, Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Antigua alumna de la Universidad Pontificia Comillas ICAI-ICADE.

Graduada en Derecho y Relaciones Internacionales (E-5)


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How to Cite

Castellano San José, P. (2020). The Rapes Committed against the Yazidi Women: a Genocide? : A Study of the Crime of Rape as a Form of Genocide in International Criminal Law. Comillas Journal of International Relations, (18), 50–71.


