Northern Territories - Kuril Islands

Legal Analysis of a Dispute still Pending




Northern Territories, Kurils, Japan, Russia, international law, peaceful settlement


The so-called Northern Territories, better known in the international scene as Kuril Islands, are a group of four islands located in north of Hokkaido on which a territorial dispute between Japan and Russia weighing as of the mid-twentieth century. This conflict not only involves the States, but also the individual inhabitants of these islands, who have had to suffer the expulsion from their homes and the subsequent uprooting. In this work, we intend to analyze the historical context of this conflict —an essential element for its solution—, its causes and the possible ways of solution offered by international law. This solution, as we shall see, will in any case depend on the necessary agreement between the parties involved which, acting in good faith, could benefit from the cooperation possibilities offered by these territories.


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Author Biography

Carmen Tirado Robles, Universidad de Zaragoza

Profesora titular de Derecho Internacional Público
Grupo de investigación: Japón


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How to Cite

Tirado Robles, C. . (2020). Northern Territories - Kuril Islands: Legal Analysis of a Dispute still Pending. Comillas Journal of International Relations, (17), 38–52.