Social Justice, Fair Wages and Universal Basic Income

A Discussion around Christian Social Thought




social justice, fair wages, universal basic income, responsibility


The work traces the origin of the term social justice and relates it to distributive and commutative justice. The validity of the fair wages category in relation to distributive justice is discussed in the context of the absence of individual negotiation between worker and capitalist of the current economy. Regarding commutative justice, the validity of a universal basic income is discussed without any contribution to society in the form of work. The three areas of discussion are illuminated from Christian social thought. It is concluded that social justice is a valid category at present but must be linked to the common good and the virtue of responsibility. The fair salary must take into account the needs of the worker and his family but also the asymmetric bargaining power that occurs in the capitalist fixing of wages. As regards universal basic income, Christian social thought leaves freedom for its possible implementation, although work is a personal activity and therefore guaranteed public work is also an attractive option to guarantee a minimum vital income.


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How to Cite

Larrú, J. M. (2021). Social Justice, Fair Wages and Universal Basic Income: A Discussion around Christian Social Thought . Comillas Journal of International Relations, (21), 125–149.


