Migration Policy and Securitization in Trump Administration (2017-2021)
securitization, migrations, free movement, USA, TrumpAbstract
The process of securitization of migration should be explained in a general context of crisis of globalization and the international liberal order. There are mainly two main current political views regarding globalization and mobility: the globalist position and the skeptical position. In this crisis scenario, there is a boom in policies aimed at restricting the free movement of people promoted by radical rightwing populist forces. We deal in this study of the process of securitization of the United States migration policy during the Trump Administration and, in particular, the relations with Mexico. Finally, we analyze the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, signed by the United Nations in 2018, as a desecuritization alternative of migration policies. We study the limits and potential of this agreement for the global governance of migration.
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