The Impact of the European Eastern Enlargement in the EU Security and Defence




security, defense, EU, eastern enlargement, cold war


Although the EU membership of some former Warsaw Pact members certainly entailed a greater diversity of perceptions and approach which has made progress in the sensible realm of security and defence even more difficult, it is also true that the new strategic context resulting from the end of the Cold War meant an important stimulus in this realm. All in all, it is clear that the enlargement has influenced EU approaches to certain issues, particularly:

  • EU’s approach toward the Russian Federation and its policies and strategic movements.
  • EU’s approach towards the so called frozen conflicts in Europe: Kosovo, Georgia and Ukraine

In order to deal with this issue, in this paper we will analyse the evolution of Security and Cooperation in the EU after the Cold War; the implications of the Eastern Enlargement for the European Union as well as for the new members, particularly in security and defense matters; and the manner in which such enlargement has conditioned EU involvement in some of the conflicts which have arisen since the end of the Cold War.


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How to Cite

Abad Quintanal, G. . (2021). The Impact of the European Eastern Enlargement in the EU Security and Defence. Comillas Journal of International Relations, (21), 090–108.


