The Polarisation within the European Union’s Public Opinion Regarding Immigration

Analysing Influencial Factors


  • Caoimhe Goya García de Paor



irregular immigration, asylum seekers, refugees, public opinion, European Union


Throughout the last decade, Europe has had to address a profound economic recession, an increase in the number of terrorist attacks due to the unfolding conflicts in the Middle East, and a major migrant crisis characterized by the mass arrival of refugees and immigrants to the Southern coasts of Europe. The aforementioned events have led to a widespread sentiment of reluctance to globalisation, calling for the return to the sovereignty of States and the raising of borders.

This context has revealed an enormous polarization within the public opinion regarding how immigration should be handled. Whilst in States such as Ireland, 76% of the population favours immigration; in other European countries such as the Czech Republic, only 14,5% of the public hosts a positive attitude towards non-European migrants. This disharmony in opinion reflects the current “crisis of values” the European Union is suffering. Whilst one segment of society wants to stay loyal to the initial principles that the European Union was founded upon, another segment considers it necessary to re-examine our values in the interests of the economy, our social identity and the security of citizens.


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How to Cite

Goya García de Paor, C. . (2021). The Polarisation within the European Union’s Public Opinion Regarding Immigration: Analysing Influencial Factors. Comillas Journal of International Relations, (21), 109–124.


