Pandemic in Ecuador and Colombia

The Corruption Virus Reported by the Press




COVID-19, health, corruption, news agendas, framing, journalism


In Ecuador and Colombia, 2020 will be recorded as the year of the pandemic, but also as the year of corruption originating in some of the governments in power actions. This is reflected in the media agenda that went from the headlines of the COVID-19 deaths to the scandals related to the irregular contracting of inputs and food. This study has analyzed the changes in the news agenda of the newspapers El Comercio and Expreso in Ecuador and El Tiempo and El País in Colombia between May, June and July. The analysis reveals the prominence of control agencies in the national press and little expansion of local corruption cases in the regional press. It also shows that the press did not carry out investigations on its own, despite the existence of evidence and data on the phenomenon in both countries.


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How to Cite

Manrique Grisales, J. ., Punín Larrea, M. I. ., & Sánchez Carrión, G. C. . (2021). Pandemic in Ecuador and Colombia: The Corruption Virus Reported by the Press. Comillas Journal of International Relations, (22), 42–53.