Current Debates Around the International Liberal Order


  • Matias Ilivitzky Universidad del CEMA



international liberal order, complex interdependence, globalization, great power politics, strategic rivalry


After the fall of the Cold War, many theories tried to explain the changes that the world was experiencing. One of the most fruitful was the one posed by G. John Ikenberry, stipulating the victory of an international liberal order. The author deemed back then, that the order was greatly expanding and would have a promissory future. However, different perspectives and facts have emerged over time, justifying a revision of the main tenets of the order as well as the way it could evolve in light of current experiences and visions.


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How to Cite

Ilivitzky, M. (2022). Current Debates Around the International Liberal Order. Comillas Journal of International Relations, (24), 35–51.


