Government of the Muslim Brotherhood 2012-2013
Analysis of the Fall of Political Islam in Egypt
Egypt, Muslim Brotherhood, Freedom and Justice Party, political islamism, Islam, al SisiAbstract
Within Egyptian political history, the role played by the Muslim Brotherhood since 1928, the year of its founding by Hassan al Banna, stands out. In 2012, a year after the so-called Arab Spring, with a history of dictatorship and repression that have altered the social balance of the most populous country in the area, Egypt held its first democratic elections, won by Mohamed Mursi, leader of the Party Freedom and Justice and political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood. A goverment that lasted just a year, until july 3, 2013, overthrown by the coup détat of al Sisi, Mursi´s Defense MInister. This text analyzes what that political year of the Muslim Brotherhood goverment was like and the causes that led it its downfall.
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