The State-Sponsored Genocide of the Rohingya Community from a Constructivist Perspective


  • Carmen Romero Garrido



constructivism, Rohingya, genocide, refugees, Islam, Buddhism, International Court of Justice


The Rohingya community has been persecuted by Myanmar authorities for years and, consequently, subjected to a process of genocide. The object of this study is the investigation of the conflict born between both communities and its religious roots: Buddhism and Islam. Afterwards, we will focus on the analysis of this historical struggle from the perspective of the Theory of Constructivism and how succeeded the construction of the antagonistic identity of “other”, the “enemy”, the “foe” and the “hostile” from within the government, the governmental institutions and the Myanmar public inside culture, legislation, and constant historical manipulation.


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How to Cite

Romero Garrido, C. (2022). The State-Sponsored Genocide of the Rohingya Community from a Constructivist Perspective. Comillas Journal of International Relations, (24), 52–70.


