Advances in the 2030 Agenda from Spain and the European Union. European Green Deal, Nex tGen Funds and Recovery Plan




2030 Agenda, Sustainable Development Goals, European Green Deal, Next Generation Funds, Recovery Plan


In 2019, the progressive coalition government's term began in Spain, which took the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as the framework for the deployment of public action. In parallel, the European Union presented its new sustainable development strategy that same year with the European Green Deal as its flagship. Furthermore, a few months later, the Next Generation Funds were approved to address the covid crisis and thus implement the European development priorities through the Recovery Plans of the member states. The combination of the political and institutional will of the Spanish government, together with the funds and the European strategic orientation, have crystallized in the Spanish Recovery Plan, which points to significant advances for the country in the three dimensions of the SDGs (economic, social, and environmental). In the coming years, with the full deployment of the Plan and its first results, it will be possible to assess whether the impact of the Plan has been cyclical or structural.


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How to Cite

Cruz Prego, F. de la. (2023). Advances in the 2030 Agenda from Spain and the European Union. European Green Deal, Nex tGen Funds and Recovery Plan. Comillas Journal of International Relations, (28), 034–049.