The Migration Governance in the Contex t of Agenda 2030 and the United States-Mexico Migration Management




2030 Agenda, migration governance, United States-México migration management, Venezuelan exodus


This article analyses the meanings of global migration governance considering three scales. First, the global migration governance in the 2030 Agenda. Second, the regional migration governance based on the Declaration of Los Angeles on Migration and Protection in the Americas. And third, in the state level examining the U.S.-Mexico migration management and the case of Venezuela exodus. The article’s conclusions highlight that global migration governance itself challenges the security of migrants and refugees, as well as their human development. This affects the goal 10.7 included the 2030 Agenda and their implementation through instruments of Soft International Migration Law. These instruments are displayed in a migration management with a predominant state-centric approach prioritizing border security in the region, instead of human security and sustainable human development.


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Author Biography

Adriana Sletza Ortega Ramírez, Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla

PhD in Political and Social Sciences from the National University of Mexico. Research professor in the Bachelor's Degree in International Relations and in the Master's Degree in International Relations and Human Rights at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. President of the Mexican Association of International Studies 2023-2025. Member of the research group Transnational Processes and Migration of the same Faculty. He has published books and articles and given national and international conferences on the subject of migration.


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How to Cite

Ocman Azueta, C. A., & Ortega Ramírez, A. S. (2023). The Migration Governance in the Contex t of Agenda 2030 and the United States-Mexico Migration Management. Comillas Journal of International Relations, (28), 050–064.