Saint Francis Xavier, Actor of International Relations in the 16th Century: Diplomacy and Values




Saint Francis Xavier, Society of Jesus, King John III of Portugal, ecclesial diplomacy, cultural diplomacy, political diplomacy, economic diplomacy, India


Saint Francis Xavier was a witness and an actor in the international relations of the 16th century. He was one of the founders of the Society of Jesus and led its expansion, and that of the Catholic Church as a whole, towards the East. His mission was focused on evangelization and promotion of values. He performed in what we know today as India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Japan and coastal China. He generated a network of collaborations in different areas: ecclesial, cultural, political or economic. He was a nuncio, so he was a diplomat sent by the pope to those places. He also had direct diplomatic relations with King John III of Portugal, in charge of those mission lands. He had to look for financial resources and therefore interacted with different agents who could help him. He understood and cared for international diplomacy as a means to his ends related to the evangelizing mission and the common good.


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How to Cite

Guibert Ucín, J. M. (2024). Saint Francis Xavier, Actor of International Relations in the 16th Century: Diplomacy and Values. Comillas Journal of International Relations, (29), 01–20.