The agony of a neutral? Spain and the First World War


  • Emilio Sáenz-Frances Universidad Pontificia Comillas ICAI-ICADE
  • José Manuel Sáenz Rotko Universidad Pontificia Comillas ICAI-ICADE



Spain, War, Crisis, Nationalism, Economy, Conmemoration


This article examinesSpain’s position in the international arena at the start of the First World War and the country’s role in the system of alliances that contributed to the outbreak of hostilities in 1914. The war had an important effect on Spanish domestic politics, as well as the economy, aspects that will be covered in depth. Special attention will be paid to the positioning of the main political parties and public opinion in relation to the two warring power blocs. Even without taking a direct part in the conflict, Spain’s neutrality had a significant and enduring effect on its political evolution, deepening the internal crisis of the ‘Restoration’ regime. One hundred years later, Spaniards still turn their curious eyes to a war that –even if only witnessed by their ancestors as neutrals– had an important impact on the configuration of their country’s own internal history. The article will cover the perspectives from which the war is seen nowadays in Spain.



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How to Cite

Sáenz-Frances, E., & Sáenz Rotko, J. M. (2015). The agony of a neutral? Spain and the First World War. Comillas Journal of International Relations, (2), 127–141.