Geographic/conceptual delimitation of the «Southern Mediterranean». A Regional Security Complex?


  • Alberto Priego Moreno Universidad Pontificia Comillas



Southern Mediterranean, Arab Spring, Regional Security Complex


This article seeks to analyse how the Mediterranean Area has evolved after the changes occurred with the so-called Arab Springs. The main idea is to focus on the Southern Mediterranean as a dynamic space that expands itself as a result of its internal transformations and subsequent external changes caused by the Arab Spring. We will use the IR theory of the Regional Security Complex as it is considered as the most adaptable to this changing reality.


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Author Biography

Alberto Priego Moreno, Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Licenciado en Ciencias Políticas y de la Administración -Especialidad en Relaciones Internacionales, Mención en Estudios Europeos (UCM), ha trabajado en think tanks East West y universidades extranjeras como SOAS (University of London). Se incorporó a la Universidad Pontificia Comillas en 2010. Colabora con asiduidad con diferentes medios de comunicación (El Mundo, El Confidencial, El País, RNE, la Cope etc...)


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How to Cite

Priego Moreno, A. (2016). Geographic/conceptual delimitation of the «Southern Mediterranean». A Regional Security Complex?. Comillas Journal of International Relations, (6), 1–12.