The United Nations Security Council and Syria: From Discredit to Renovation




Security Council, reform, representation, responsibility to protect, Syria, veto


Because of the Syrian war, the calls that have been asking for a reform of the Security Council for several years have greatly increased. Some countries and some leaders have begun to show a stronger disagreement than a couple of decades ago, taking decisions or making declarations that affect essential dimensions of the Council. Subjects such as the equitable representation, the increase of the number of its members or the veto are some of the ones over which people have been debating for a long time within circles like the Open Ended Working Group or the Intergovernmental Negotiations. In this article, I will firstly give a description of the proposals for reform, tried for 25 years with the intention of improving some aspects of the Security Council and then I will set out the final pertinent considerations in connection with the shown data.


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Author Biography

José Luis Fernández Cadavid, Tribunal Eclesiástico de Orense

Doctor en Historia del Derecho Canónico y Magíster en Diplomacia y Relaciones Internacionales
Fiscal del Tribunal Eclesiástico de Orense


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How to Cite

Fernández Cadavid, J. L. (2020). The United Nations Security Council and Syria: From Discredit to Renovation. Comillas Journal of International Relations, (18), 01–21.



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