The Theory of International Relations at the Crossroads: Between the Third and the Fourth Debate




international relations, theoretical debates, scientific program, constructivism, sociological internationalism


The third theoretical debate in international relations among the positivists, especially the neo-realists, and the critical post-positivist authors, tried to be overcome by constructivism. However, in this debate the contributions of the scientific program and sociological internationalism were ignored, which have demonstrated a greater methodological rigor and an explanatory breadth of the dominant themes in international society. For this reason, the need arises to open the fourth debate to ensure that this science continues to be progressive, thus avoiding the risk of its irrelevance in the long term.


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Author Biography

Rafael Calduch Cervera, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Catedrático de Derecho Internacional Público y Relaciones Internacionales


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How to Cite

Calduch Cervera, R. (2019). The Theory of International Relations at the Crossroads: Between the Third and the Fourth Debate. Comillas Journal of International Relations, (16), 19–37.