Looking for coherence and results: the European neighbourhood policy in Moldova and Georgia


  • Liz Arnanz Master European Interdisciplinary Studies del College of Europe




Eastern Partnership, Georgia, Moldova, European Neighbourhood Policy, European Union


The two States that have engaged the most with the European Neighbourhood Policy in the East, Moldova and Georgia, are a good example that this policy could have a certain positive impact on the society, economy and politics of the partner States through the promotion of democratic and economic reforms. Nonetheless, until now, the policy’s impact has been significantly limited when dealing with the resolution of the secessionist conflicts of these countries: Transnistria in the case of Moldova, and Abkhazia and South Ossetia in the case of Georgia. Throughout this paper the author will defend that the reason for this lies on the fact that the interests of some Member States weight more than the EU common interests, especially, when they fear Kremlin’s coercive reactions, given Russian energetic significance.


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How to Cite

Arnanz, L. (2015). Looking for coherence and results: the European neighbourhood policy in Moldova and Georgia. Comillas Journal of International Relations, (3), 116–138. https://doi.org/10.14422/cir.i03.y2015.008


