About the Journal
Open Access Policy
Miscelánea Comillas provides open access to its content, based on the principle of offering society open access to research contributes to the global exchange of knowledge.
Self-archiving permission
Authors are recommended to publish the post-print articles version (the editor's version) on the internet (for example, in institutional repositories or personal web pages) immediately after their publication to contribute to their wider dissemination, quoting appropriately the original source (including the full URL of the article’s DOI).
Article Processing Charges
There is no charge for submission articles. Nor by editing or publishing them in open access (APC).
Interoperability protocol
Miscelánea Comillas offers a metadata harvesting service to other research platforms through the OAI-PMH protocol found in the following URL https://revistas.comillas.edu/index.php/micelaneacomillas/oai
Metadata is provided in the following formats: Dublin Core, MARC, and MARC21.