Tribute to Eugene Gendlin, Psychotherapist, Humanist and Researcher, on the Occasion of his Death


  • Carlos Alemany Briz
  • Enrique Aguilar Peñas


Gendlin, experiencing, felt-sense, focusing, thinking at the edge


A vital balance about Eugene T. Gendlin, philosopher and psychotherapist, professor at the University of Chicago, creator of the «Focusing Oriented Therapy» (FOT) school, is made. The most outstanding concepts that this autor addresses are experiencing, felt- sense, focusing and Thinking at the Edge (PDB/ TAE). The tribute includes a selection of research carried out over the last 20 years, sorted by fields of application. This homage is completed with the Spanish adaptation of the Focusing Manner Scale (Aoki and Ikemi, 2013).

Author Biographies

Carlos Alemany Briz

Catedrático emérito de Psicología. Madrid. Coordinador internacional diplomado.
The International Focusing Institute of New York

Enrique Aguilar Peñas

Profesor titular de Psicología. Centro de Magisterio «Sagrado Corazón». Universidad de Córdoba


Aguilar, E. (2004). Una nueva medida del experienciar. Tesis Doctoral. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid.

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Alemany, C. (1997). Bibliografia internacional sobre psicoterapia experiencial y focusing: 1960-1996. En Alemany, C (ed.) Psicoterapia experiencial y focusing. La aportación de E. T. Gendlin, 476-514. Bilbao: Desclee de Brouwer.

Alemany, C. (2006). El cambio terapeutico en la psicoterapia experiencial de E. T. Gendlin. Miscelánea Comillas, vol. 64, num. 125, julio-diciembre 2006, pp. 503-528.

Alemany, C. (2008). Mis experiencias ensenando y practicando la psicoterapia experiencial de Gendlin. Miscelánea Comillas, vol. 66, n.o 128, pp. 13-35.

Alemany, C., y Aguilar, E. (2008). Evaluacion de niveles de experienciar en grupos de formacion psicologica. Miscelánea Comillas, 66, 128, pp. 169-190.

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Cohen, A. J. (2015). Aerobic Green Exercise as a Transcendent Experience: Psychotherapeutic Implications for Working with the Unconscious. Tesina de Master. Pacifica Graduate Institute. California EE. UU.

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Goldman, R. N., Greenberg, L., y Pos, A. E. (2005). Depth of emotional experience and outcome. Psychotherapy Research, 15:3, pp. 248-260, DOI:

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