Satisfaction with Life in a Group of Guatemalan Migrants Deported from the United States of America


  • Alejandro J. Mena Universidad Rafael Landívar
  • Mario Aníbal Hernández Universidad Rafael Landívar
  • Héctor Barrios Universidad Rafael Landívar



life satisfaction, migrations, Guatemala


The study aimed to identify the level of satisfaction with life in a group of Guatemalan migrants returned from the US to Guatemala. 110 people participated (86,50 % men and 13,50 % women). We used a scale of sociodemographic data and the Life Satisfaction Scale (Diener et al.,1985). The results indicate that 74,80 % of the participants are satisfied with their lives despite having been deported from the US. A series of correlations was made between the sociodemographic variables and the level of satisfaction with life, thus, a negative correlation between satisfaction with life and the number of attempts to reach the United States was evidenced (r = -0.318; p <0.01).


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