History of the Church, social catholicism and cultural and artistic heritage in the lands of Palencia, according to Fr. Manuel Revuelta
Manuel Revuelta, History of the Palentine Church, Agrarian Catholic Trade Unionism, St. Theresa, Sisinio Nevares, Antonio Monedero, Way of Saint JamesAbstract
The present article presents a tour of different Palentine themes that Professor and historian Manuel Revuelta focused on. In particular, topics concerning the History of the diocesan Church in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the Catholic agrarian unionism led by the Jesuit Sisinio Nevares and the layman Antonio Monedero as well as cultural issues, such as the three stays of Saint Theresa in Palencia and other aspects mostly related to the History and artistic heritage of various villages on the Way of Saint James as it crosses the province of Palencia.
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Revuelta, M. (2008). Aspectos religiosos de la guerra de la Independencia y sus repercusiones en Palencia. Publicaciones de la Institución Tello Téllez de Meneses (en adelante PITTM), 79, 155-178.
Revuelta, M. (2010). Historia y espíritu en tierras palentinas: Camino de Santiago y otros afanes. Palencia: Institución Tello Téllez de Meneses.
Revuelta, M. (2015). Las tres estancias de santa Teresa en Palencia. Palencia: Institución Tello Téllez de Meneses.
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