Manuel Revuelta and Miscelánea Comillas. History of a long and fruitful collaboration (1972-2019)

Su visión de la Historia. Historiografía


  • Pablo Martín de Santa Olalla Saludes Fundación Civismo



historian, Catholic Church, Jesuits, liberalism, publication


Professor Manuel Revuelta, a Jesuit priest and historian of the Church, was one of the most outstanding specialists in his field of research, to which he dedicated more than half a century of life. This contribution aims to highlight one of his many distinctive elements, which is his very valuable contribution to the growth and strengthening of the magazine Miscelánea Comillas, published by the University of Comillas since the early 1940s. Thus, the present study highlights that most of the contributions to this prestigious publication by Professor Revuelta focused on the History of the Spanish Church in the 19th century and, more specifically, on the role the religious order of the Jesuits played in this complex historical stage. In this sense, Revuelta worked on very diverse topics, such as the conflicts between Liberalism and Catholicism, the expulsions and dissolutions of the Jesuit order, or the launch of several educational institutions. The consequence of all the work of Professor Revuelta was a good number of publications marked by rigor, depth and, at the same time, objectivity, making these contributions an essential starting point for future generations of Catholic Church historians.

Author Biography

Pablo Martín de Santa Olalla Saludes, Fundación Civismo

Doctor en historia Contemporánea por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. En la actualidad, Investigador Senior de la Fundación Civismo.


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Revuelta González, M. (1996). Los ritos chinos y los jesuitas en el siglo XVIII, según la documentación franciscana. Miscelánea Comillas, 104, 143-173.

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Revuelta González, M. (2007). Negación de asilo a jesuitas franceses refugiados en España en el dictamen del fiscal Campomanes en 1764. Miscelánea Comillas, 126, 101-124.

Revuelta González, M. (2010). Historia y espíritu en tierras palentinas. El Camino de Santiago y otros afanes. Palencia: Diputación de Palencia.

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Manuel Revuelta. Maestro de Historia