«Ad Usum Nostrorum Tantum». The Society of Jesus in my epistolary with Father Revuelta
Su visión de la Historia. Historiografía
Manuel Revuelta, Society of Jesus, Jesuits, historiography of the Society of Jesus, historians of Society of Jesus, Comillas Pontifical UniversityAbstract
Upon the death of Father Manuel Revuelta, Master of historians of the Society of Jesus, I realized that, in addition to a first-rate professional and scientific example from whom I had learned so much, I had a treasure in my hands, an abundant correspondence in which the Society of Jesus was a notable protagonist. Through these letters I learned to investigate the Jesuits, to meet many of the authors of their historiography, the advances that were taking place and I received each novelty, also from a personal point of view, of the work of our protagonist, in the culmination of his academic and scientific career. That is the reason why I have considered it was appropriated to open this epistolary and draw that intimate and, at the same time, deeply academic portrait of Manuel Revuelta, from 2003 when he was a member of the tribunal for my doctoral thesis, until 2019.
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