The suppression of the Inquisition and the path to religious freedom

Historia Moderna


  • Henar Pizarro Llorente Universidad Pontificia Comillas



Inquisition, frenchified, Cadiz Courts, liberals, tolerance


Father Manuel Revuelta, SJ, published an article in 2013 about the two suppressions suffered by the Spanish Inquisition during the War of Independence. The work we present is intended to be a tribute to his way of approaching this event in the historical context of the reforms that accompanied the arrival of the Napoleonic armies and the celebration of the Cortes of Cádiz. The analysis is related to one of the transversal axes in his work, such as 19th century religious policy and the arduous path towards tolerance and freedom of worship.

Author Biography

Henar Pizarro Llorente, Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Profesora del Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales


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Manuel Revuelta. Maestro de Historia