The «power of the offices» and the power to live with dignity


  • Luis San Juan Psychologist, specialist in children and marginalized youth. Rizomar Association


Institution, Bureaucracy, Market, Social control, Social workers, Educators, Manipulation of the language.


The debate on the renovation of the Social Services demands an analysis of its socio-political and institucional frame. From a critical approach, this frame is revealed to us: Bureaucratised, put under the laws of the Market and an instrument for social  control. Their workers are assimilated to clekrs and inspectors and the needy to clients or users of a new «economic nich»; its despersonalization turns into a necessary condition to deny the social  injustice as well as its necessary and fair redress. This model, that is being swallowed up in the «offices», prevents the underprivileged from demanding respect to its dignity and fromvindicating its right to food, health, work and culture.

