Countertransference, authenticity, and therapist selfdisclosure

Approaches from relational psychoanalysis and humanistic-existential psychotherapy


  • Matías Méndez Universidad Diego Portales



countertransference, authenticity, self-disclosure, relational psychoanalysis, humanistic-existential psychotherapy


The aim of this paper is to articulate a tentative dialogue between ideas about the nature of countertransference and its use in the promotion of therapeutic change, as proposed by relational psychoanalysis, and certain humanistic-existential developments related to the therapist’s authenticity and self-disclosure. First, the evolution of the concept of countertransference in psychoanalysis is reviewed, to then delve into some key relational ideas regarding its clinical use. Second, the concepts of authenticity and self-disclosure within the humanistic-existential tradition are examined, emphasizing coincidences with contemporary relational thought.


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