Everything happens and everything remains, but our thing is …





communication, research, social work, change


«Everything passes, and everything stays, but our fate is to pass.» Beautiful words from our people’s poet Antonio Machado. With these verses, I begin my contribution in tribute to our colleague Manuel Gil Parejo, Manolo who “passed” through life making paths and bridges between social work, social services, and our multicolored society in the hope that it would be fairer as time passed. His legacy accompanies us, and his memory encourages us to continue working, researching, communicating, to achieve consensus among different people, without excluding anyone. To investigate, accepting «that we know nothing, that pursuing glory does not mean elbowing your way up; at best, it means recognizing the words of others as attached, linked, matched, irreplaceable. That listening to others means making room for them. That there is no possible translation for the feelings and thoughts of the people with whom we wish to work and build a better world.


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