Clinical social work as a preferred approach
Guaranteeing the rights of the person to guarantee social rights
Clinical Social Work, Social Services, Personal Empowerment, Social and Personal Rights, Social InclusionAbstract
Spain, as a social and democratic state of law, is articulated with a public system of Social Services as a guarantee of the rights of all people regardless of their economic and social situation. This system establishes its objectives for vulnerable people and those in the process of exclusion through strategies based fundamentally on social policies for economic, labour and social inclusion. This article proposes a reflection on the objective of mercantilist inclusion and social utility, forgetting the first of the premises of an integral inclusion, which is based on empowerment as an individual. Clinical social work contemplates psycho-social intervention in a single intervention, in order to strengthen the vulnerable human being in the first place, so that he recovers his abilities to live integrated in society and be an active subject in social construction from his own power. The Welfare State must not only guarantee civil and social rights, but first of all, personal rights, which make each individual an active and not a passive protagonist. Is this really the current approach?
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