Analysis of Support Services for Families with Neurodegenerative Diseases




families, quality of family life, services and benefits, neurodegenerative diseases


This article is a result of the Spain-Portugal cross-border project called Neuroqualifam, whose overall objective is to strengthen cooperation between the institutions responsible for research and care for neurodegenerative diseases in Castilla y León and the North and Centre of Portugal, to improve the quality of family life and optimize support and assistance to family caregivers of patients. Specifically, this study aims to provide social work professionals and those responsible for social services with the necessary knowledge for the design of programmes and resources to increase the well-being and quality of family life of people with neurodegenerative diseases. In the different action plans aimed at people with neurodegenerative diseases, the need to increase the quality of life of the relatives of these patients is highlighted. This research analyses whether the set of services and benefits offered in Castilla y León contribute to improving the quality of life of families, taking into account the Family Quality of Life Model. The scale of Badia et al. (2021) allows us to identify whether the benefits and services of the Public Portfolio of Services cover the domains included in the evaluation scale of the Family Quality of Life Model (FQLM). Based on the selection of benefits for people in a situation of dependency, an ad hoc instrument was developed to evaluate the resources offered according to the Family Quality of Life Model. The evaluation was carried out by an academic expert in the model and a social worker, who is also responsible for the management of social services. It is concluded that the benefits and services offered in the portfolio of regional services, such as support for family autonomy, comprehensive family care, prevention and family support, do not cover all the domains included in the FQLM, in particular with regard to family health. In general, the services offered do not cover the necessary domains that make up the Family Quality of Life Model.


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